Tips for Choosing Kid-Appropriate Movies Your Children Will Love

Parents today have a big job when it comes to monitoring their children’s entertainment viewing habits. There are choices galore out there, including movies, TV shows, sports, and more. There are numerous channels and streaming services. Of course, not all programming is kid-friendly. You certainly don’t want young children watching adult content or other material inappropriate for their age. Luckily, there are some ways you can determine what movies and shows are right at what times — and which ones your kids will like.

Establish Limits and Boundaries

Every parent will have different levels of comfort when it comes to what they are willing to let their kids watch. You need to evaluate these guidelines and determine what kind of content is appropriate for your kids. To you, “kid-appropriate” may not look the same as kid-appropriate to another set of parents. The level of violence and profanity in a movie for kids can vary. You’ll also want to be aware of any adult- or sexual-themed content. 

Know Your Kids and Their Likes

When it’s time to choose a movie for your kids to watch, it’s helpful to first look at their ages and what they enjoy. Clearly, what a toddler is going to have the attention span for and interest in is different from what a school-age child will like. The content for a school-age child won’t look the same as that of a preteen. What teenagers are going to want to watch is significantly different from the other age groups. You’ll feel more comfortable with your kids watching more mature content as they get older.

You should also know what interests your kids. One child may love a mystery movie, while another may like comedy the most. Some kids like movies about sports, but others may have no interest in them at all. Also, sci-fi and fantasy movies are all the rage right now, but not all kids are into superheroes, magic, and space adventure. 

Review the Movies

It’s helpful to first check out the movies before you let your kids watch. This helps you to determine whether they are age-appropriate and whether they will interest your kids. The first step is to read a synopsis of the movie. Get familiar with the plot, themes, and setting. You can then read about the content and find out whether there is anything not age-appropriate in the movie or there are issues you object to. You can also read online reviews and see what other parents have thought of the movies. 

Watch Them First

You also have the option of watching the movie before your kids do. This screening process can help you figure out not only whether it matches your child’s interest but whether you approve of the content. You may not even have to watch the entire movie to get an accurate idea. You might have to first purchase a streaming service such as Redbox to find the movie. But you can get a Redbox promo code and save some money on the fees. 

With these tips in mind, you can choose movies for your kids that you feel comfortable with. Just as important, your kids will love them.

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Ellie Richards

Ellie Richards

A full time creative mom running her own blog site. Helping others realise how creative they can become.

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