What to Bring To Your First Visit to The Farm With Baby

A baby’s first farm visit can be an exciting and memorable experience, full of new sights, sounds, and smells to explore. However, there are also some important things to remember when you’re visiting the farm with your infant for the first time. This list will give you everything you need to know about what to bring on your baby’s first farm visit, and it will make the day much more enjoyable and comfortable for everyone involved!


When you’re visiting a farm with your baby, there are some necessities. The first on our list is good shoes. At a small farm, you’ll have lots of terrain to cover, from concrete and grass to dirt and gravel. Between wandering around and exploring (which your baby will surely do), it’s important for everyone’s comfort that you wear appropriate footwear. There may be mud puddles that are impossible for even an adult-sized shoe to avoid completely–and if that happens, better shoes will help you wipe them off easily! Next up: sunscreen!

While we might not think about it, spending time outdoors can expose you to harsh UV rays. Even though baby’s skin is especially sensitive, a little protection can go a long way in helping them stay comfortable during their visit. Finally, bring plenty of water. You might think that because farms are often located in rural areas they’d have plenty of water sources nearby; unfortunately, they don’t always. Bringing along bottled water or other beverages will ensure that both you and baby stay hydrated throughout your visit.


If your visit will involve any number of activities (such as hiking, horseback riding, or swimming), bring clothing that’s appropriate for those activities. Also remember: whether or not you’ll be using them right away, a high-quality Ergobaby carrier and car seat are great items to have on hand—especially if your farm visit involves doing anything outdoors. You never know when you’ll need to carry or drive baby somewhere! Finally, make sure you pack enough diapers and wipes. While most farms do offer changing stations in their restrooms, it’s always nice to have extra supplies in case of an emergency change. Plus, there are many baby products available at local farms that can help make life easier for new parents; ask about what they sell before you leave home so you can plan accordingly.


Aside from your diaper bag essentials such as diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, pacifiers, and any medications, be sure to bring lots of extra clothes for baby and you. Always assume that your baby will get dirty even if she hasn’t been before her first visit. Take along swim diapers in case your child does end up in some water – she should never be without her swim diaper for safety reasons. If it’s cold outside, make sure baby has a hat or two and maybe a blanket or jacket just in case. You’ll also want to take along toys or books that are new or special to baby so she can have something familiar with her on her adventure into nature. Lastly, keep things light! The less stuff you have to carry around when visiting farms with baby, the better!

remember—it never hurts to ask around about what other people recommend bringing before you head out for a visit. Don’t forget, there are no bad questions when it comes to preparing for your baby’s needs, especially from other parents.

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Ellie Richards

Ellie Richards

A full time creative mom running her own blog site. Helping others realise how creative they can become.

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