Many American parents shop Holle and HiPP formulas because they contain probiotics and prebiotics. Most American infant formulas lack DHA, prebiotics, and prebiotics, so the European market is the only source of all the required nutrients. Why are these things so demanded? What is the use of prebiotics and probiotics for a baby’s organism?
What are Probiotics?
When a baby is in a mother’s womb, its living conditions are sterile. As soon as the baby is born, it starts to come into contact with bacteria and germs. Consequently, it needs something to get adapted to a new environment.
The safest variant is to “welcome” bacteria to the organism. Mother’s breast milk contains live healthy bacteria that settle in a child’s gut and help a baby withstand infections.
Besides breast milk, infant formula can contain the same valuable bacteria. Organics Best provides the desired nutrients via the best quality baby formula from reputable brands, such as HiPP, Holle, Lebenswert Bio, and BebeM.
What are Prebiotics?
If you don’t want healthy gut bacteria to disappear, it will be necessary to feed them. They are living beings like average bacteria that develop and multiply under favorable conditions. So, what is the best food for healthy gut bacteria? Prebiotics are the food they need, and this list contains the products that have them:
- garlic
- onion
- whole grain wheat and corn
- under-ripe bananas
- artichokes
- oats
- chicory
- psyllium fiber
- leeks
- asparagus
Gut bacteria break down the fiber that these products contain.
Where Should Parents Look for Probiotics for Their Infants and Toddlers?
Probiotics have a positive influence on the human organism. It is beneficial for the immune system and the digestive system. So, it is significant to get them with meals. Some food must contain bacteria that manufacturers use to create their products.
The most popular goods with healthy bacteria are kefir, sour cream, kombucha, kimchi, miso, yogurt, sauerkraut, tempeh, sour pickles, and sourdough bread. Obviously, a newborn cannot eat them because its digestive system is not ready to process such foods.
The best source of healthy bacteria for newborns is breast milk and specific baby formulas. It is hard to find them because American companies almost never add probiotics and prebiotics to baby products. That’s why parents search for the desired foods on the European market because their brands make formulas with DHA, probiotics, and prebiotics.
How do Probiotics Help a Baby’s Organism to Grow?
The value of probiotics in daily nutrition is indisputable. It helps the body cope with the following health problems:
- indigestion
- diarrhea
- constipation
- bloating
- colics
Moreover, it helps the body improve its immune system. So, if a baby has one of the introduced health problems, probiotics can rescue the situation. Besides, probiotics might help infants with atopic diseases, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, traveler’s diarrhea, acne, hepatic problems, tooth decay, respiratory infections, allergic rhinitis, and kidney disorders.
Eventually, children who eat foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics grow healthier and more robust. Their organisms have vital strength to cope with viruses and different infections.